Saturday, February 8, 2020

February 8, 2020
How can this be? When I posted in November, I thought for sure I would post in December and January, no problem! I guess midway thru I got a sinus/chest cold and then we just passed it back and forth until now, but I still have a dry tickle every once in a while.

I had my family Christmas meal and we had a really good time. This year because of the sinus cold going around, Jacob and Jerry had it bad and I was the one to go to Christmas Eve at Morris and Chris's. We had lots of treats and yummy meat pie with ketchup and then wonderful homemade desserts that Dina made. Dina helped decorate their home for Christmas and it was so beautiful.

Today is one of my oldest nephews birthday, Craig. He and his older brother Lyle, were the first nephews in our family. They lived close and we seen them often and for at least a month in Summer. It was so wonderful to have them around. I was about 15 or 16 and still living at home. One of the few things I knew for sure was that I did not want to be a farmer! We lived on a farm with almost all the farm animals of Old Mcdonald! And I really hated our huge vegetable garden, because it needed so much work. One thing I learned from that experience is to prepare the ground first. Which I do use for my flower gardens and a small veggie garden.

Oh, for Christmas gifts on my side I made tree ornaments. I hand painted a Winter scene on a blue ornament for Morris as well as a cute Snowman and Snowwoman with their "hands on each other's butts". When I moved them off the table for us to eat I dropped the scenic one on the floor and it smashed. I thought it was plastic! So I am painting a new one for him.  I plan to have it done for Christmas!!!

That's all for today, but here are some pictures of the ornaments.

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